Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What I've Been Up To Lately...

It's been a busy couple of weeks, so I just thought I'd write a quick update. I'm slowly getting through the Vampire Academy series, I love them! Thanks to my work friend Ella's insistence, I finally got over the off-putting covers (which they substantially improved for Blood Promise) and cringe-worthy title, and found that Richelle Mead's series if tautly written, full of a different kind of romantic tension to Twilight, and based around a narrator who is the exact opposite to Bella. More on those in a later post, I'm sure!

I've been trekking through assignment territory steadily, and have one group assignment and one (ahem, unstarted) smallish argumentative essay due in the coming weeks, and then I think I'm done until after the mid-semester break.

I spent yesterday with my boyfriend, who hurt his back recently. We had a lovely relaxing day, and took in a little sun. I did manage to get a slight tan - wow, this means I might have to buy the second lightest shade in my make-up now! Incidentally, on the subject of my beloved boyfriend, I managed to push, shove, plead and coerce him into reading The Hunger Games. And, lo and behold, he adored it. He's currently reading Catching Fire, and for those who don't know Szilveszter, let me just say that he is so resistant to reading that he has read a total of three books in his lifetime prior to THG, and all because I forced him to (he did enjoy them, however!). These include Dean Koontz's Life Expectancy, Russel Brand's autobiography My Booky Wook (which I couldn't really get along with, but he loved), and The Hobbit, which is still under contention, as he was actually read to by his teacher at the time. Hmm. If you count that sort of thing, he also "read" Twilight, by using an audio book. SO it is an indicator of the power of THG that Szilveszter would enjoy them as much as he has, and I'm so pleased.

I'm off to work today, wishing Garden City would hurry up and put its Christmas stuff up. That'd put me in a better mood!

I am currently...

Thankful for the bounce proof case on my iPhone, which has proved its worth a number of times now (and just did again).
Curious about how I managed to hurt my elbow do badly, it's a little swollen and bruised and I don't know how I did it!
Wishing that they made more diaries at this time of year so that I could have a new one. I'm considering just writing the dates in my small moleskine.
On that note, needing another moleskine.
Looking forward to going away for a night with Szilveszter in the mid-sem break. Oh, and Jason and Gracie's engagement this weekend. :)

Have a lovely week, everyone.
More book-related posts soon, I hope.


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